
How We Can Help You

IT Support

Maybe you love technology or want to use it more often, but setting it up intimidates you, or you want to get a new computer or printer but have no clue what to get. We have years of experience helping clients and family members determine and assemble the best technology solutions for their needs and budget, and we want to help you too!


Your network is the lifeblood of devices you use on a daily basis, and has a very real impact on their performance. It’s all about optimizing what you have and investing in the right hardware so that you get the fastest and most stable network for your money. We have extensive experience consulting and planning home network infrastructure, and would love to help set you up this foundational component of your home technology.

Smart Home

Imagine if you could hold the controls to your home in the palm of your hand. Locks, lights, cameras, motion sensors, music, video…all of these and more can be automated, programmed, and controlled with a mobile app, as well as smart switches and control panels. We have years of experience planning and programming home automation scenes and integrating multiple devices to give you a unified experience, and can help you make your home as smart as you want it to be.


Everyone has preferences about how they experience sight and sound in their home. We’ve learned that some basic equipment and configurations can make all the difference, whether you are a true aficionado, or just need something basic for entertaining yourself and your guests.


Great home technology is all about infrastructure, and that takes planning. If you’re looking to start a new project and want an experienced integrator with a wealth of product knowledge on your team, give us a call. We’d love to help you optimize your resources and scale your technology planning to meet your future needs.


Since Pong was invented in 1958, the gaming world has evolved at a rapid pace, and today, a gamer’s options are astronomical. So much so, that it can be difficult to know what to choose. Which platform is best?  What accessories do I need? What about that one game I used to play years ago with the duck and the plunger?  Could I actually get my own arcade machine?  We’ve been gamers since the Atari.  Let us help you navigate the universe of game tech.

Tech Education

Technology is much less intimidating when you have a basic understanding and working knowledge of the basics. Having someone personally guide you through some best practices further expands that confidence.  Learn how to keep your systems running smoothly and efficiently, keeping them secure, and in the process, build your own confidence. Or maybe there’s a new tech skill you’ve always wanted to learn. We’d love to teach you!

Everything Else

Is there a tech need you have that wasn’t mentioned on our other pages?  Couldn’t find what you were looking for?  We have a wealth of experience and knowledge in this industry and can, at the very least, point you in the right direction.  Some additional areas of expertise include 3D printing, photography, surveillance systems, and PA systems, to name just a few. Please ask!

Work hard, play hard.