IT Support

How We Can Help You

Maybe you love technology or want to use it more often, but setting it up intimidates you, or you want to get a new computer or printer but have no clue what to get. We have years of experience helping clients and family members determine and assemble the best technology solutions for their needs and budget, and we want to help you too!


So much can go wrong with any computer and its applications. Ask us to help with troubleshooting or for hardware and app recommendations.


Remember that printer scene from Office Space? You want to avoid that. We can help ensure your printer stays connected and working for you!

Home Office

Working from home is becoming more and more mainstream, and for good reason. We can assist with designing a home office setup that will allow you to be more productive and comfortable while working from home.

Cloud Integration

It seems like there is a cloud solution for everything these days, but what can they actually do for you? Let us take the mystery out of the cloud and let it work for you.


Everyone knows they should backup their data regularly. So why don't they? We can make this a simple, automated process. Ask us how!

Smart Phones

Having issues with your smart phone? Need recommendations for your next purchase? Not sure of the pros and cons of iOS or Android? We can help with these decisions, and make app recommendations as well.


There are so many options for setting up and working with your email. Who is the best email provider? Do you want a custom email domain? Need to transfer emails to another account? We can answer these questions and more!


Working together while apart; this is the reality of teamwork in our connected age. File sharing, editing, revision history, and shared storage are all tools you'll need to collaborate on projects, both professional and personal. Let us help!


Do you have many photos and video or other data you want to store offline? You can store all of your data on your own personal server. Stream your media your own devices via your own "personal cloud. " We can help you set up a personal streaming server to do all this and more.

Simplify your life.